Here you can see our Rules for the server. Please read the Rules and accept them.
Respect Other Players: Bullying, harassment, or any forms of disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated. Insults, threats, or discriminatory statements are strictly prohibited.
No Cheating or Hacking: Using hacks, mods, or any tools that provide an unfair advantage is forbidden. This includes exploiting bugs in the game (bugusing).
No Spamming or Flooding: Repeatedly sending the same message or flooding the chat is not allowed. Excessive use of caps in chat is also prohibited.
Griefing, Scamming, and Theft: Players have control over who they trust in their realms and whether they use the server's trade system. However, repeated attempts to bypass these systems to scam others will result in intervention. TP-Traps and other scams will be reviewed upon report and punished accordingly. Verified video evidence of scamming will result in a ban. Lost items/currency will not be refunded.
Common Sense: Players who disturb the peace and harmony of the community through their actions or chat behavior will not be tolerated. The team reserves the right to temporarily or permanently ban such players to ensure a peaceful and respectful community.
No Inappropriate Buildings: All buildings and structures must be appropriate for all ages. Offensive or inappropriate structures are not allowed.
No Advertising: Advertising other servers or products is strictly prohibited, except for content creators who can advertise their social media channels. Smaller, non-official creators may advertise their social media channels up to twice per hour in the chat if they are live streaming on
Follow the Instructions of the Team: Server staff are responsible for maintaining order and assisting players. Their instructions must be followed.
No Real Money Trading: Trading involving real money is strictly prohibited. This includes the purchase, sale, or exchange of virtual goods, services, or currencies for real money. Violations of this rule will be rigorously enforced, potentially resulting in a network-wide ban and further legal action.
Punishment: Breaking any of these rules will result in a permanent ban or temporary ban for up to 360 days.
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